Biden rejects state-run healthcare unless it’s for empire
Speaking Security Newsletter | Advisory Note for Organizers and Candidates, n°36 | 18 August 2020
Social welfare, like Medicare for All, is for people. The intended beneficiary of militarized welfare, meanwhile, is militarism. How Biden preferences the latter over the former through his conditional stance on state-run healthcare, below.
Raytheon lobbyist-turned-Secretary of Defense Mark Esper proposed cutting military healthcare by $2.2 billion. The proposal was quickly rebuked by Biden, Trump, and the rest of the political establishment.
Healthcare for empire, not people
While Biden is quick to ensure that all US troops have coverage, he rejects the idea that all US people should have adequate healthcare:
This dynamic seen elsewhere in the political establishment
Basically this is about treating people as means to an end (imperialism), so of course the foreign policy establishment has plenty of examples, even as it relates to healthcare. Here’s one: according to a report issued by the (Clinton-affiliated) Center for American Progress, a central problem with Trump’s previous budget regarding military spending was that it “propose[d] cuts to education and health programs that will make it more difficult for potential recruits to meet the physical and education criteria necessary to join the military…”
Thanks for your time,
Stephen (@stephensemler;
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